General Information

The CEBS program includes the courses listed below and their corresponding examinations. These courses may be taken in any order that meets your personal needs, educational background, or work experience.  However, unless a candidate has an understanding of the basic qualification requirements for retirement plans, it is suggested that he or she take RPA1 prior to RPA2. The CEBS program also offers candidates the opportunity to earn two distinct designations:  Group Benefits Associate (GBA) and Retirement Plans Associate (RPA).  Each designation requires the successful completion of the examination for each required course.  For more information on these designations, see the CEBS Course Catalog or

Study materials must be ordered from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans by  downloading a registration form from the CEBS Course Catalog, or by completing a registration online.

CEBS examinations are administered through computer based testing (CBT).  Be sure to consult the CEBS Course Catalog for complete information on CBT.

If you have any questions or for further information, please contact the CEBS program at 215.898.2678.