Study Materials
Order study materials here. Study materials for each course are:
• Study Guide — it contains for each module: an outline of the reading, learning objectives, key terms/concepts, and questions and answers on subject matter. In addition, real-world case studies are provided throughout the study guide; they aim to aid you in thinking critically about the knowledge being acquired.
• Textbook — and/or collections of required or recommended readings.
• Practice Exams — available from the CEBS online environment, the interactive practice exam is designed to assist you in preparing for the national exam by testing your knowledge of the course material and familiarizing you with the mechanics of taking a computer-based exam. The 100-question practice exam features mark and review functions, automatic scoring and a two-hour time clock. In addition questions are referenced back to the study materials to assist in your review process. The Practice Exam is not a substitute for knowing the required study materials. A thorough understanding can be obtained only by careful review of the Study Guide and textbook for each course. A successful score on the Practice Exam should not be construed as a guarantee of successful performance in the actual exam.
To qualify for the CEBS designation, you must pass all five examinations. Only CEBS registrants may file examination applications. The cost per course varies depending on study materials selected. You will select a testing window in which to take your virtual exam. Additional fees apply for retakes and for transferring an examination to a future date.
Refer to or request the Course Catalog for enrollment details.
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