Consider an Online Class. Online classes are a great way to learn!
Offered by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, CEBS online classes are the preferred method of study by a growing number of CEBS students. An online class can help enhance the preparation for your CEBS exam without the time constraints of a formal scheduled class. Online classes run 13 weeks and the format will allow you to review weekly instructor lecture notes, take quizzes and ask questions of the instructor when it’s convenient for you. The discussion board and chat features provide networking and mutual support opportunities.
New! Interactive Practice Quizzes
Your instructor will post periodic quizzes on your class website. You take the quiz, submit your answers and instantly find out the correct answers with an appropriate explanation.
Enroll Now – Simply follow these easy steps!
- In order to participate in an online class, you must be registered in the CEBS program and apply for the corresponding CEBS exam. There is a fee for each online course.
- Register for an online class and apply for the corresponding exam online or download the PDF version of the order form and fax to the CEBS department, 262.364.1818.
- Fill in the e-mail address you wish to use for the online class. This is required.
- After the enrollment process is complete, you will receive confirmation of your enrollment including instruction on how to access your class website.
Study Materials
The Study Guide and text are required and will be the basis for discussion. You may order the study materials online or download the PDF version of the order form. Mail the form with your payment or fax the form to 262.364.1818 using a credit card. Please allow ten business days for delivery.
System Requirements
In order to participate in an online class, students will need the following system requirements:
- Access to the Internet and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher or Firefox 2.0 or higher.
- Instructor assignment summaries are typically provided in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint formats.
- An e-mail account
For Assistance
Questions regarding the online class should be directed to the CEBS Department of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans:
Phone: 800.449.CEBS (2327), Option 3
Fax: 262.364.1818